May 24, 2010

Our weekend.  And A Day in Our Lives.

Thursday marked August’s first 6 months of life.  We celebrated with a trip to the doctor for a checkup and vaccines.  (Because we are the partying type, obviously.)

That evening August and I had the opportunity to meet and hear the legendary Ina May Gaskin give a lecture.

Josh was absent from the festivities because he was half way up Long’s Peak preparing the summit on Saturday morning.

Unfortunately Saturday brought extremely high winds.  (Around 30 mph here at 5,000ft.  More dramatic, of course, closer to 14,000ft).  The winds prevented their summit just a mile from the peak but Josh returned home understandably exhausted.

So, Sunday:

0700 August’s cries heard on baby monitor.  August brought to our bed for morning feeding and an honest attempt to get him to go back to sleep.

No luck.

0730 Let Hallie outside

0740 Diaper change and play time for the boys.

0800 Breakfast (scrambled eggs with blueberry, flax and cottage cheese oatmeal)

0900 August’s morning nap

0915 Start working on new kitchen tiles!

0930 Take care of BOTH jury duty summons I received this week.  One in Colorado, the other in Ohio.

0945 Shower

1030 Continue helping Josh with kitchen tiles

1100 Experiment with new Roomba

1115 Roomba causes Hallie distress

1145 Video chat with the parents

1200 August wakes up happy!

0100 Baby shower for co-worker

0300 Make food for house church while August naps.  Finish kitchen tiles.  Wish for nap.

0430 House church

0800 Accept generous offer to stay after house church ends to watch LOST finale (no tv at home!).

1040 Return home with sleeping baby and exhausted husband.

1100 Lay in bed discussing LOST finale.

1130. Sleep.

May 10, 2010

I haven’t gotten to our photo diary of our day…yet.  However:

Last summer when we purchased our first home, we began a series of remodeling projects that included ripping up carpet, laying bamboo floors, painting, new light fixtures, etc.  The initial remodel didn’t include our kitchen which remains white, plain and lacking.  I’m not sure I have it in me to paint the walls.  Or the cabinets (although I think it would look fantastic with white cabinets!).  I’ve browsed through some gorgeous wall paper and we’ve both commented on how a colorful tiled backsplash would really make an impression.  Our biggest and most expensive kitchen change will be the granite countertops we’ve been saving for.  So, combined with my general lack of desire to dig into a big/colorful/creative project and the finances going into our new countertops, we’ve opted for less dramatic but hopefully equally appealing upgrades such as….

A set of these super cute, inexpensive and easy tile tattoos.

And eclectic, colorful new hardware for the cabinets like these knobs by anthropologie.  (Luckily we found these exact pieces of hardware in a home-town store for half the price!)

A spicy new kitchen just in time for summer entertaining!

And finally, the husband and the baby took me to see this fantastic new documentary for Mother’s Day:


May 8, 2010

Thanks so much for the comments and input!  I’ve recruited Josh’s help and we hope to kick things off with Schmanda’s suggestion of “A few days in the life…”.

Bear with us.  And brace yourselves:

May 1, 2010

Welcome to May.  I’m literally blushing in embarrassment at the lag in writing and updating.  At the same time I’m proud of myself for taking the time we needed to simply live in our moments and give my full attention to growing over the past few months.

I’m ready to come back.  To sharing, reading, writing, stumbling through stories.  There’s much catching up to do, although I’m not sure I’ll take much time to focus on where we’ve been.  (the boring days, the travels, exciting adventures, the learning, the sweet baby moments of grace, etc., so forth.)

I have some ideas about where I would like to (re)start:

-5 years of living t.v. free (how and why)

-Mastering the art of naptime (we’re still growing)

-Exclusive breast feeding (accomplishments and struggles)

-Hosting communal dinners (how and why)

-Finding God as a new mother (accomplishments and struggles)

-Marriage with an infant (accomplishments and struggles)

-Cloth diapering (how and why)

I’m interested in your ideas about where my writing should take Me. Us.  You.  For anyone still out there reading.  Anyone *echo*echo*echo*. Thoughts?

I cannot bring myself to end a post without some photos.  Enjoy.