June 27, 2007

stairwell accompaniment:Patti Griffin

June 27, 2007


June 26, 2007

We have arrived home after 24 hours in various aircraft. I’ve started the process of sharing it all with you through our (MANY) pictures. It will take a while.

as usual, just a piece of what can be found here: flickr

June 18, 2007

Today we completed the confusing 2 day trek across the border into Zambia.

We have pictures to post and stories to tell. Eight lions, countless elephants, zebras and rhinos. Bible studies under the sun and in school classrooms. Walks thruogh the desert and sliding down sand dunes. Sunsets that are short and memorable. Valerie:18 and with AIDS, she is the last living of nine children. Prayer and singing on dry and broken tree trunks with women and babies, victims of AIDS. Camping, camping and camping cold showers. Etosha National Park. $4,000.00 kwatcha cup of tea. Tomorrow our first wonder of the world: Victoria Falls.

Eager to tell you. You may not believe even the pictures.

June 11, 2007

We have arrived in the desert land of enormous blue sky. Played soccer with locals. Saw shoting stars and the Milky Way. Passed a giraffe, a warthog and walked with cattle. Made dinner without electicity. Became the minority. The land of church with the doors open. Of dry and bloody noses and forever-traumatized toilet habits (following stories of toilet-swimming zebra nakes!). Culture shock because the world is bigger than I knew and smaller than I can imagine.