June 25, 2010

We are so enjoying the portability of August’s infancy.

June 24, 2010

Now that August has mastered a wobbly sitting position, he’s on to crawling.  Our wood floors aren’t ideal for practice but he’s determined.  He currently lays on his belly and uses his arms and legs to turn in circles.  Watching him grow and explore is endlessly enjoyable.

June 23, 2010

Photo a day

June 16, 2010

But we pine. The sense that in this universe we are treated as strangers, the longing to be acknowledged, the meet with some response, the bridge some chasm that yawns between us and reality, is part of our inconsolable secret. And surely, from this point of view, the promise of glory, in the sense described, becomes highly relevant to our deep desire.  For glory means good report with God, acceptance by God, response, acknowledgement, and welcome in the heart of things.  The door on which we have been knocking all our lives will open at last. –CS Lewis

today i’m considering that “inconsolable secret”.  and rolling over the question of what God thinks of me. (infinitely more important than what i think of Him).

June 14, 2010

**abundance of links to follow**

I thought I’d take a few minutes on this summer -rainy Colorado afternoon while August naps to share some of my favorite Internet places where I find inspiration, encouragement, creativity, and other random interesting things.

While we don’t have a tv and spend very little time watching programs on the Internet, I do spend a fair amount of my free time on the computer.  Here’s what holds my attention lately:

Mom-Websites (eek, even typing that makes me feel nerdy! juice boxes and Raffi anyone?  don’t let that label deter you from discovering these fun women):

Marvelous Kiddo keeps me updated and inspired on earthy, breastfeeding, natural childbirth, oragnic mothering.  peace,hope and love for all.  i love her birth stories and videos.

Design Mom offers fantastic tips on creative, stylish parenting.  and she lives here in Denver!

Simple Mom is a great resource for all things mother with a simple-lifestyle theme.

Mothering is a wealth of knowledge from conception to college.  i love their natural parenting news and current events.

Fashion/Home Improvements/Style Websites (broad heading, i know)

Young House Love offers amazing DIY ideas and tutorials.  easy, inexpensive and incredibly inspiring.  they are so cute!

Stephmodo is also a mom-writer but i kept her in this category for her fashion, food and design inspiration.

The Sartorialist i love exploring fashion and culture through his worldwide travels and photography.  the vintage photos are especially fun.

Etsy is always fun to browse for hand made gifts.

Books/Music/Entertainment Websites

NPR’s What We’re Reading weekly updates on the latest literature recommendations.

Hulu for when we feel like veg-ing in front of our non-existent tv.

Live from Bonnaroo where NPR is streaming all of the live performances from last week!

I hope you enjoy some of these sites as much as I do.  This past weekend we enjoyed a lazy, cold-and-rainy few days here in Colorado.  We spent Friday night in the kitchen:

Making granola bars

Making baby food

Making honey-whole wheat bread